In this episode we meet Cindy Stewart and Dawn Tracz, who are both adoptees. Cindy and Dawn share their experiences of secrecy in their adoption stories.
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In this episode, we continue our conversation with Karen, Wendy, Cindy and Dawn together and hear more from the group about secrecy and its long-lasting impact.

Ep 3. Embracing the Journey: Becky Davis’s Tips for Successfully Reuniting Children with Birth Parents
Join us in the third episode of “Stories of Adoption” as we uncover the behind-the-scenes work of a reunion facilitator. Becky Davis, an expert in her field, sheds light on her role in bringing birth parents and adoptees together. She discusses the intricacies of her work, the challenges she faces, and the rewarding moments that come with witnessing reunions unfold.From managing expectations to addressing the emotional impact, this episode provides listeners with tips and guidance for a smoother and more meaningful reunion experience.If you want more content follow us on instagram @storiesofadoption and tell us your story or what kind of stories or tips you would like to hear.

Let’s Get the Paternity Party Started!!!
My original 23 and Me test that showed my cousin on
the “X” chromosome was more than enough to identify my father, BUT we went
ahead and had a paternity test done. The results of that are in! And of course
we are a match.
I would do whatever I had to do to prove to the world that we
are legit, father and daughter! We already knew but this is for anyone else in
the world who needs to understand.