Last week I received a Facebook friend request from a lady
named Linda. I was so excited. She is Kenny’s wife! (If you have no idea who Kenny is, you need to read my last post.) Kenny is not connected on social media, but Linda is. And she’s just the sweetest. Here is part of her first communication to me
on a Facebook message:
Hey Deanna! It’s wonderful to hear from you. Kenny and I feel
like you’ve become family. Kenny has
been checking with people in the family and people that might have graduated
with your Momma. We haven’t heard anything that would help you yet. But as you know, God is great every day! I am
praying for you that God will lead you to some answers and peace of mind in
knowing about your Daddy and other family. That would be a blessing for you. I
hope Kenny and I can meet you one day. I hope you and your family have a very
blessed Christmas.
This is the first of many messages with Linda and I am beyond
grateful for this couple. For all the frustration I have in dealing with a few idiots people with my search, I am reminded through people like Kenny and Linda that there are
people who are willing to help a person who was once a stranger. There are people
with heart, who do the extra mile without being asked. (I initially asked Kenny
to help but now he and Linda do a lot of searching and talking to people without
me even having to ask. They really care.)
It was a joy to mail Kenny and Linda a Christmas present yesterday and thank them for their kindness.
I realized a few days ago that it seems like the Christmas season is always the worst time I struggle with the issue of not knowing my natural father. Every holiday season my friend Gayle and I talk about it more than any other time. I drill down in working on the search during the month of December more than any other time even though it’s a crazy busy month! I was ruminating on that this past week and tried to figure out what it is about Christmas that compels me to do this.
I suddenly realized, it has nothing to do with Christmas.
It’s the fact that another year is almost over, and I don’t know who he is yet. And if he’s not dead, time is running out.